Code of Conduct

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Site Admin
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Apr 07, 2022 2:59 pm

Code of Conduct

Post by forum_admin »

The following list is not complete, but it serves as a guideline for what is expected.
  1. Respect other users of the forum. Do not make attacks, either in the forums or through Private Messages. Challenging ideas is fine, but do not attack individuals or groups. Racist, sexist, homophobic (including the use of "gay" as a pejorative) and other slurs are prohibited.
  2. Respect the law. Do not post anything illegal under U.S. law or encourage other users to break U.S. laws or the laws of their country of residence. Specifically, don't steal copyrighted material (such as by downloading illegal PDFs) or encourage others to do so.
  3. Respect the audience. Do not post pornography. Do not post links to pornography or otherwise inappropriate sites.
  4. Respect privacy. Do not post for public viewing any emails or Private Messages unless you have the explicit written permission of each person involved in the exchange. Do not use posts or parts of posts from these forums for commercial ends without the express permission of each person involved.
  5. Respect the thread creator. E.g. if someone creates a thread asking for help with a specific rule question; do not change the subject or belittle the question.
  6. While not everyone can have perfect spelling or grammar, it is required that everyone make an attempt at legibility. A few misspelled words or misplaced commas are hardly a problem, but posts that practically require translation are, as are posts containing all capital letters and posts comprised of "l33t Sp34K." Spellcheck is built into a number of web browsers, so if a user can't take the time to check and make sure that his post is legible, then it should not be posted.
  7. When questions are asked about the rules of the game, it is to be assumed that the questioner wants the correct answer from the core rulebooks and/or any obvious sources that relate to the subject. A house rule posted as an answer to a rules question must be labeled as such to avoid confusion about the established rules of the game.
  8. When there is a dispute regarding who is in the right, the ultimate power to decide it lies with the moderators. If a moderator makes a decision on a matter and a user decides to continue to argue about it, it is grounds for any number of actions, including an IP ban that lasts for as long as the Archive's administrators think it should last. The Archive staff does not have any responsibility to issue a warning before banning. The decision to ban a user happens on an individual, case-by-case basis.
  9. When in doubt, please make your best guess regarding the appropriate forum for a post, and put it in that forum. Do not create the same posting in multiple forums. It clutters the forums, and makes it harder for other users to find useful information.
  10. If you want to advertise your own products on this forum, get permission from the administrators first. Or pay Google to run ads for you. If they're appropriate for our audience, then they'll run here. If you start plugging your own goods on this forum without securing our permission first, we reserve the right to block your account without warning.