Rolling Dice

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Site Admin
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Apr 07, 2022 2:59 pm

Rolling Dice

Post by forum_admin »

We have a native diceroller on this forum. The interface for it is below the WYSIWYG editor that you use to write posts.
  1. When you go to post a new topic or reply to an existing one, you should look to the tabbed area underneath the text entry region.
  2. You should see "Options," "Attachments," and then at the very end, "Dice rolls."
  3. Choose "Dice rolls," and you get a blank that allows you to enter the notation you want (e. g. "3d6+30").
  4. When you click the "Roll the Dice" button, the notation is appended to your posting.
  5. The roll will show up in a display beneath the text of your posting. As an example, I've done two rolls: 2d6, and 1d20+11.
  6. You won't see the result until you submit your roll.
  7. Rolls are not editable, except by forum administrators.